Believe it to Receive it!
Jan 11, 2023Do you ever just know that something great is about to happen?
Do you ever feel good about something before it ever becomes a reality?
Some people say they must see it to believe it, but the real power is when you believe it to see it.
Energy flows where attention goes.
Everything in the Universe is energy and energy flows where you focus. So, what do you spend time focusing on?
Do you worry about paying bills?
Do you worry about things you can’t control?
Do you give focused energy to the desires you are manifesting in your life?
Here is a simple little example of this concept –
Every year we have our annual friends’ week at our family beach house in Surf City, NC which is located on Topsail Island. It is so peaceful and creates an amazing space for us to shift our energy and to create in a space that brings us joy. My good friend Lulu and I always take our morning walks at sunrise. At least once each trip we end up at the pier which is 2.5 miles away. So that is 5 miles of walking in sand roundtrip. We always feel good when we complete our journey, but we never force it by saying “ok we have to walk to the pier and back today.” That could be overwhelming and could lead us to just say “How about tomorrow” and that could happen every day. It could also make it so we don’t even take our walk.
The moral of this story is to just start somewhere and allow the Universe to guide you. Don’t force anything. Just believe!!
Do something that makes you happy and act on the inspiration that comes to you and go from there. You will be led.
Play the WHY Game:
WHY do I always believe that something great is about to happen?
WHY am I focusing my energy on my desires?
WHY is the Universe always inspiring the right action?
By Cindy Hadfield
Creating Your Life on Purpose
Archived in “Believe to Receive”
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