Contrast is a sign of Asking

ask Jan 11, 2023
Cats Asking

Do you ever have days where it seems like everything goes wrong?

Do you ever think “will this day ever end?”

When you are experiencing contrast, just know that you are asking the Universe for different experiences.  You always have a clearer picture of what you do want when you are experiencing what you do not want.  You broadcast a signal 24/7.  So, when contrast comes, choose to welcome it and see what the Universe is trying to show you.  You are being offered choices. 

For example, when you ask for a new car, be aware of things that happen around you.  People may start talking to you about cars or you may see deals about cars.  How you choose to respond to these cues from the Universe will determine if what comes next is a new car or just more contrast. 

If you want to fall in love, the Universe will start showing you couples that are happy together.  When you see this cue, smile and say, “YES Universe that is what I desire.”  If you choose to focus on your perceived reality of not having that and you respond to that cue with envy or jealousy, then the Universe will respond to your cue in kind.  It is like you saying, “No I don’t want what you are showing me.”  And you will receive more of the perceived reality focused on. 

Be careful what you are broadcasting out to the Universe.  You will get more of what you are broadcasting. 

Are you broadcasting Happiness, Health and Wealth?


Are you broadcasting Sadness, Sickness and Poverty?

That, in my opinion, is why I agree with the expression – the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.  What this statement means is that you either have a wealth mindset or a poverty mindset.  It is your choice to make.

Remember, the Universe is always paying attention and responding to your vibration

Change your mindset = Change your life!!


Play the WHY Game:

WHY is contrast always a sign of asking?

WHY am I staying in a high vibration, so my asking brings experiences and things that resonate with my best interest?

WHY do I value the cues from the Universe when I am experiencing contrast?


By Cindy Hadfield

Creating Your Life on Purpose

Archived in “Ask”

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