How to Believe to Receiveā€¦ on Purpose
Jan 11, 2023Remember that magical feeling that made you believe like a child on Christmas morning?
Remember what it felt like to be a child where anything and everything was possible?
Remember imaging a world where there were no limits or boxes you had to fit into?
Would you like to feel like that again?
Believe to Receive… on Purpose is level 6 of the “Creating Your Life on Purpose” process.
Remember when you were a little child and you believed in Santa Claus and all the magic that came with Christmas? What does Santa Claus really represent? In my opinion, he represents the magic that happens when a child believes unconditionally in an outcome they set as their intention.
When I was about four years old, I had a “Mrs. Beasley” doll. I didn’t like to play with dolls because I was a tomboy and always wanted to do what my brothers were doing. For some reason, I really loved my Mrs. Beasley doll and took it everywhere with me. One day our dog chewed on it and ripped it up. I was so upset and cried. My parents told me they were going to take her to the hospital so she could get better. The next morning, I got dressed and told my parents that I was ready to go to the hospital to see Mrs. Beasley. Their plan, of course, was to buy another doll and tell me the doctor made her better. They could not find another one, so they didn’t really know what to tell me. I eventually got another one, but the moral of the story is that I AM that child that believed without a doubt.
As an adult, I know that dolls don’t go to hospitals to get better, but I still believe that strongly and unconditionally in my desires.
My favorite quote is “An unquestioned belief is a guaranteed reality”. (I would like to give credit to the person that created this quote, but he/she is unknown to me).
Think about this quote for a minute. An unquestioned belief means that you have no doubt and you believe unconditionally. A guaranteed reality means that it will come into your life in some shape or form. It may not be exactly the way you expected it. It may show up in a better way. That is why you must believe and trust that you will receive it.
When a child starts learning how to walk, she does not question it at all. When she falls the first time she doesn’t say “I can’t do it, so I give up”. She just knows that this is a sure thing and keeps doing it until she masters it. She may fall a couple hundred times but will never give up. As an adult you have the same belief the child will learn to walk. Why not have that strong of a belief in a project that you want to accomplish.
In the course, we will guide you through different experiences that will help you rediscover the magic of unconditional belief.
Say the following out loud throughout your day –
- WHY do I believe like a child on Christmas morning?
- WHY do I know how it feels where anything and everything is possible?
- WHY do I believe in a universe where all my desires can come true?
- WHY do I expect amazing outcomes?
- WHY does the universe always give me my desire or something better?
- WHY do I follow the cues from the universe?
- WHY do I take inspired action?
- WHY do I believe that the universe is always conspiring for my good?
- WHY are things always working out for me?
- WHY am I always grateful?
(Add as many as you would like that resonates with you)
By Cindy Hadfield
Creating Your Life on Purpose
Archived in “Believe to Receive”
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