Whatโs Your Dream?
Jan 11, 2023Do you know what you would like to be when you grow up?
Being aware means being in alignment with you. Getting in touch with that child inside of you that was very aware of your dreams.
Are you living someone else’s dream? or are you following someone else just because you don’t know where you are going yourself?
Remember when you were a child and had no fear about doing new things? You just believed that everything was going to be ok. That is what I call trusting the Universe to have your back no matter what. What happened to that feeling?
As we get older, we make a choice to either follow what other people are doing so we fit in or we start to listen to our own internal guidance system.
Do yourself a favor and close your eyes, quiet your mind, ask for the Universe to light up your path and then be prepared to take inspired action. Always do this with gratitude.
Make this a habit and watch what happens.
Ask these questions and then let go of the attachment to the outcome.
WHY am I following my passion?
WHY am I in alignment with me?
WHY do I live in gratitude?
By Cindy Hadfield
Creating Your Life on Purpose
Archived in “Awareness”
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