Your “WHY” will give you Clarity

clarity Jan 11, 2023
Clarity equals success

What is your “WHY”?
What is that burning desire you have?
What is that one thing that you want as much as you want air when you are underwater?


Clarity is priceless because the Universe is listening every second of every day.  It is not just listening to your words; the universe hears you all the time through your thoughts and feelings whether you like it or not.  It is always responding to the signal you are broadcasting.  You may want to be thin, but you say, “I’m overweight”.  You are sending mixed messages so the universe will respond to how you are feeling about your request.  Your request could be that you want to lose 20 pounds but when you look in the mirror you get upset with how you look.  The universe will respond to that negative feeling you have about yourself and give you more to be negative about.

This is why you have to be clear about what it is you desire so you can say the words, think the thoughts and feel the feelings that lets the universe know beyond a shadow of a doubt that this is your request and you are ready to receive it. 

You can say anything you want but the universe hears how you feel.  Feelings carry more vibration than words for the universe.  We create our reality through how we feel. 

Have you ever wanted something so much that you start to get obsessed with the idea of how you will get it?  So, you start trying to come up with ways it can come.  The “How” is a job for the universe.  Your job is to get clear on what you desire, let it go and allow it to come into your life.  If you want to lose weight tell the universe you want to gain health instead.  Move toward a goal instead of away.  Move toward health instead of losing weight. 

You can apply this to any goal that you have. 




Play the WHY Game:

WHY is clarity so amazing for my success?

WHY does a desire that inspires me bring me so much clarity?

WHY do my goals inspire my life and happiness?


By Cindy Hadfield

Creating Your Life on Purpose

Archived in “Clarity”

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