How we Created our WHY… ON PURPOSE

clarity Jan 07, 2023
Creating your WHY

Are you doing what you love?

Would you be excited to get out of bed everyday and do it for free?

Do you ever wish you could just place an order with the Universe, and it would just show up?

Do you want to know the secrets of manifesting your desires in your highest good?


I am a teacher and my purpose is to listen to what my students desire to learn and facilitate it.  Everyone learns differently so a teacher’s job is to listen and understand how to connect with the student and teach on their level and in the way that they receive information.  Whether it is a kindergarten room full of students or a boardroom full of businesspeople, the art of teaching is the same.  You must speak someone’s language for them to engage and learn.  Learning is just the beginning.  To fully understand something, you must apply it and be able to help someone else do it.

The purpose of the “Creating Your Life on Purpose” community is to create the environment for all these levels.  We are building a community where you are a student, a teacher, and a doer (someone that will act on inspired action).

You will learn, do and teach while building a strong community.

This environment will be a space that allows fun and game playing that will rev up the momentum to create success in life.  We will support you in your journey.

There is no greater feeling than when you have impacted another person’s life in such a way that they change someone else’s life.  This is the effect that every teacher can only dream about happening.

WHY do you do what you do? Can you answer that question? It will set you apart from the rest.  Do you know how many people just go through the motions in life?

Together we can build a community that thrives on everyone’s success.  We are your coaches but at the same time your cheerleaders.  This game called Life never sleeps and is always responding to what you are broadcasting to the Universe.

After years of studying, journaling and processing, the following is our WHY:




Do you know your WHY?  If you answered no or you are not sure, we are here to assist.


Every Wednesday we will choose from requests that are submitted to us to do a personal WHY session. The “Wednesday WHY” personal sessions will start January 1, 2020.  What a way to start the new year!!


Say the following out loud throughout your day –


WHY have I created awareness of my desires?

WHY do I know my WHY?

WHY am I resonating with my WHY?

WHY am I so happy?

WHY am I living in my passion?

WHY is my life full of joy?

WHY am I always trusting that the Universe has my back?

WHY is the Universe giving me signs to take inspired action?

WHY do I always and only act on inspired action?

WHY is my life full of love?

WHY am I always grateful?

   (Add as many as you would like that resonates with you)


By Cindy Hadfield

Creating Your Life on Purpose

 Archived in Clarity (YOUR WHY)


We are grateful for you


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