Live your Authentic Self
Feb 03, 2024Do you feel safe showing up as you?
Do you live your life according to your core values?
Would you like to just be you and not care what other people think?
Living your authentic self means to be genuine, true to yourself and being exactly what you claim to be. In essence, it is being true to your core values.
My saying here is “What you see is what you get.”
Core values are those subconscious beliefs that drive our life. They will drive our emotions and how we act on them. Core values come from inside. You cannot find them out in the world.
What matters to you?
Let other people have their opinions about their own lives and you live your life. Your core values should tell people who you are and what you believe in. What do people think about when they think of you? Is it how you would want to be known?
When you live in your core values, you will attract the people and resources that will follow your message and sometimes even promote it for you.
Do you struggle with being your authentic self?
There are some powerful issues that can create a struggle.
- Lack of self-esteem
- Fear of judgement by others
- Strong desire for others to like you
Experiences in the past, especially from childhood, may have shut us down and now make us not feel safe to speak our truth and live as our authentic self. You know you are being your authentic self when you feel at ease with yourself. There is no struggle.
Your core values sum up who you are and how you engage with other people.
Know why you have these core values and what they can mean to others. How do they represent you? How do they make you show up?
“Your core values are the deeply held beliefs that authentically describe your soul.” `John C. Maxwell
The moral of this story is show up as you. There is only one you in the world and you have a special set of values that will benefit everyone around you when you live your authentic self.
Play the WHY Game:
WHY do I live in my core values?
WHY do I inspire others to follow my message?
WHY do I show up as my authentic self?
By Cindy Hadfield
Creating Your Life on Purpose
Archived in “Foundation”
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